Monday, April 18, 2011

Advantages of playing sports.

Sports serve to relieve stress and reduce depression. Sports help us an excellent physical exercise. Those who play sports have a more positive body image than those who do not playing sports often involves physical activities like running, jumping and stretching and more over a constructive expenditure of energy. Playing sports since early age strengtheners the bones and muscles and tones one's body. Thus sports provide the body with a complete exercise. Playing sports improves the math skills in children. It develops leadership qualities and fosters a team spirit in them. Sports involve competition; they involve winning and teach them to be participative irrespective of whether the participation concludes in a victory or a defeat. The most important benefit of playing sports is the sportsman spirit. playing sports results in the development of a sportive nature, which is helpful throughout one's life.

Playing sports requires the children to plan thoughtfully. They need to device the best ways to score goals. Playing sports serves as an excellent exercise, which has a wide variety of health benefits. It reduces blood sugar level and reduces the risk of blood cholesterol. Depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders are less probable in people who indulge in sport activites. Regular exercise helps increase the overall quality of life. Playing sports acts as a beautiful blend of recreation and physical activity. it is a combination of both enjoyment and exercise. Sports help devlop teamwork and leadership skills. Kids quickly learn that they have to work together as a team to win the game. Sports thus play vital role in one's social well- being.

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